


Community Interview with Greg Ballard

November 13th, 2008 by Arjan Olsder Posted in Interviews | 3 Comments »

During our phone call with Glu's senior director of global public relations Nicole Kennedy last Tuesday, we agreed that an interview with Greg Ballard would be a great way to explain more on what is happening with the company and the market.

Since we at MGB think highly of Web 2.0, Mobile 2.0 etc etc, we feel feel that this time we should experiment with something new, a community interview. Why? Because we want to be sure that the interview is not only about what we at MGB value as important, but also what you, the reader value as important.

So please drop your questions below this article, or e-mail them to news@mobilegamesblog.com. As always, we will handle all incoming questions anonymously, so don't hold back.

Let's make this an interview that benefits Glu and the industry!

UPDATE: Questions have been sent.

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    3 Responses to “Community Interview with Greg Ballard”

    1. Newscorp says:

      (1) will Glu be closing it’s doors soon or shrinking it’s business back to the USA ?
      (2) Does Greg think his business model is viable ?
      (3) How does Greg feel about the massive loss in shareholder value ?
      (4) What happens when the cash runs out ? Is there another fund raise in progress ?
      (5) Will Glu being extending its licenses to the branded games it has or will these become available to EA and Gameloft.
      (6) Does Glu have the money to extend these licenses ?
      (7) What impact will it have on Glu if it is delisted from the Nasdaq ?
      …..and lucky (8) will Greg be resigning any time soon due to the share price collapse and lack of performance ?

    2. flor rita says:

      What is the likelihood of Glu being bought? Their mkt cap makes them very affordable.

    3. Curious George says:

      During the latet conference call you gave a very optimistic outlook on sales for N-Gage games in 2009:
      a/ How many N-Gage games will GLU launch in 2009?
      b/ Can you give a rough indication on what GLU






    Arjan Olsder is the Vice President of Pixalon Studios. Opinions expressed on this publication do not have to represent those of Pixalon Studios.


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